пʼятниця, 30 липня 2010 р.

Single-User Mode in HP-UX

Single-user mode is very useful for maintenance (e.g. in case if you forgot root password).

To boot HP-UX in single-user mode at HP 9000 Systems (PA-RISC) you need to stop boot process by pressing any key during booting:

Processor Speed State CoProcessor State Cache Size
Number State Inst Data
——— ——– ——————— —————– ————
0 800 MHz Active Functional 67108864 67108864
1 800 MHz Idle Functional 67108864 67108864
Central Bus Speed (in MHz) : 200

Available Memory : 8388608 KB
Good Memory Required : Not initialized. Defaults to 32 MB.

Primary boot path: 0/1/1/0.0
Alternate boot path: 0/0/2/0.0
Keyboard path: 0/0/4/0.0

Processor is booting from the first available device.
To discontinue, press any key within 10 seconds.

✔ Press any key in this moment, boot will be terminated with message and command prompt

Boot Terminated
—- Main Menu —————————————————————
Command Description

——- ———–

BOot [PRI|ALT] Boot from specified path
PAth [PRI|ALT] Display or modify a path
SEArch [DIsplay|IPL] Search for boot devices
COnfiguration menu Displays or sets boot values
INformation menu Displays hardware information
SERvice menu Displays service commands
DIsplay Redisplay the current menu
HElp Display help for menu or command
RESET Restart the system

Main Menu: Enter command or menu>

Tape bo pri and press Enter. Than interact process with IPL and tape hpux -is in IPL prompt

Main Menu: Enter command or menu> bo pri

Interact with IPL (Y, N, or Cancel)> y

IPL> hpux -is

This IPL command means boot hpux kernel in single-user mode (-is)

For the HP Integrity System (Itanium) procedure mainly the same, differences that you interact with EFI instead IPL

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